Yesterday was the first day the Luis Vernaza hospital. I was paired with Ryan ( who is fluent in Spanish), and we started out in the Burn Unit. It's even harder to understand Spanish when people have face masks on and you can't read lips as it turns out! I was at least able to talk with some of the patients in and carry on decent conversations. There was one patient who I saw getting her dressing changed, and she was crying because she was in so much pain. She had acid burns all over her chest and arms because her husband had thrown it on her. It was really sad, and I felt so useless, and there was nothing really to do except for go and talk to her. She was really happy to talk after a minute or two getting settled in. I talked to her for a while, and she said her pain was really bad. I asked if there was anything I could do for her, and she told me to come and talk to whenever I could. She was really sweet, and I was glad that I got to meet her.
Last night Tricia, Sarah, Amber, Marie, Brianna, and I all went on a little city adventure to Iguana Park just a few blocks away! There are hundreds of iguanas there and lots of people to there to feed them celery. They like to "void" up there in the trees, so you have to make sure you don't get hit! Luckily, we all survived it.
After that, we found a GOOD chinese restaurant...and the reason why it was so good was because it had cooked vegetables...the first time we could eat vegetables the whole trip. Only $1.50...beautiful. And then topped the night off with ice cream from a shop called "Fragola's." I don't know why it was so good....maybe just because I love icecream. Probably.
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